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Default Configuration

# Wearing heavy pieces of armors reduces # your movement speed by a specific amount, # relative to your current move speed. heavy-armors:

  # The movement speed reduction in % for each heavy armor piece worn.
  speed-malus: 5.0
  # The list of heavy armor pieces. By default gold is not
  # considered a heavy armor to incite players to use this armor set.

# The list of all conditions which must be met for the # BLOCK REGEN and BLOCK RESTRICTIONS to apply. # Set to 'custom-mine-conditions: []' for no condition. custom-mine-conditions: - 'world{name=“world1,world2,world_nether,world_the_end”}' - 'region{name=“region1,region2,global”}'

# Offset is the distance traveled on X and Y coordinates # Height is the Y velocity coordinate. Lootsplosions # only trigger with MythicMobs monsters. # Requires a SERVER reload when changed. lootsplosion:

  enabled: true
  mmoitems-color: true
  offset: .2
  height: .6

# Settings for the default action bar action-bar:

  # Whether or not to use the default action bar. (This doesn't change any other action bars provided by MMOCore.)
  enabled: true
  # The decimal format for stats (not including stat formats in stats.yml)
  decimal: "0.#"
  # The amount of ticks before updating the info
  ticks-to-update: 5
  # How to display the data.
  format: "&c❤ {health}/{max_health} &f| &9⭐ {mana}/{max_mana} &f| &7⛨ {armor}"


  # Edit party buffs here. You may
  # add as many stats as you want.
      health-regeneration: 3%
      additional-experience: 5%
  # Prefix you need to put in the chat
  # to talk in the party chat.
  chat-prefix: '@'


  # Prefix you need to put in the chat
  # to talk in the guild chat.
  chat-prefix: '*'

# Enable this open to override vanilla EXP and display # level progress on the vanilla experience bar. # Requires a SERVER reload when changed. override-vanilla-exp: true

# Requires a SERVER reload when changed. death-exp-loss:

  enabled: false
  # Percentage of current EXP you lose when dying.
  percent: 30

# Edit general plugin number formatting here. number-format:

  decimal-separator: .

# Allows to scale health up/down to a specific # amount so extra health does not fill up the screen. # Requires a SERVER reload when changed. health-scale:

  enabled: true
  scale: 40

# Players can swap their hotbar with the 9 inventory slots # right above it by pressing [swap items] while crouching. hotbar-swap: true

# Use this option if you're having issue with Anvil GUIs. # This replaces anvil inputs by chat inputs. use-chat-input: true

# Change this to the name of the color you want for # the different resource bar placeholders resource-bar-colors:

  mana-whole: 'BLUE'
  mana-half: 'AQUA'
  mana-empty: 'WHITE'
  stamina-whole: 'GREEN'
  stamina-half: 'DARK_GREEN'
  stamina-empty: 'WHITE'


The first section of config.yml regards what we call “heavy armor” and a new stat called “speed-malus” and introduces a reason for “speed-malus-reduction”. These actual stats will be explain more in detail in the stats section of the manual, but in short, if you set armors in this section and give them a percent, that is how much slower the player will travel when they are wearing said armor. These percents are additive, so 4 pieces with 5% speed malus will give a 20% debuff in movement speed.

The next section, regarding custom mine conditions is a very important section and is where you will define the worlds and regions where you want the MMOCore custom mining things to happen. This includes tool restrictions from restrictions.yml, and block regen and custom block drop tables from your various config files. These regions and only these regions defined will have the effect applied, and every other world/region will be untouched. You can STILL give experience when breaking blocks in places not defined in these areas as long as you use the mineblock (or whatever you need) exp source, and not the custom drop tables.

The next portion of the config is Lootsplosions. Lootsplosions is a custom MMOCore module that will be gone into more heavily in another part of the wiki, but in short, Lootsplosions allows your loot to explode out of mobs, Borderlands Style. You can define a colored particle trail for the loot when it flies, and how far/hard it flies out.

The next section allows you to customize the built in MMOCore action bar. You can enable/disable it, change how often it updates (by default every 0.25 seconds), and change the way it looks. There are a few hardcoded placeholders in the default config, but you can also use PAPI to customize it any way you want.

The party section allows you to set the party buffs for when you are playing with friends in a /party.

The guilds section is part of an upcoming feature that is not released yet, hang tight!

The override-vanilla-exp option toggles if MMOCore should override the vanilla exp bar to display exp. If you are running a survival server with normal experience and normal enchanting, you will likely want to turn this off.

The death-exp-loss option allows you to customize how much MMOCore experience is lost on death, if any at all.

The health-scale feature is a useful one if you want players to be able to obtain a large amount of health without having a ton of hearts covering the screen. Keep in mind, the number specified in this config will be double the amount of hearts displayed. So a default 40 health will display 20 hearts. This is because each heart is comprised of two 1/2 heart pieces.

The hotbar swap feature is our solution/tradeoff for out skill casting getting rid of the 'f' button for swapping hands. You can shift and hit it to swap your hotbar and the bar above it. Super cool feature that you can toggle on or off.

The use-chat-input option lets you do the editing that would usually be done via chat, show up in an anvil menu instead. Most servers will not need this. This is only if your chat plugin somehow interferes.

The last part of the configuration (last for now at least) lets you change up the colors for how the resource bar colors look. Enjoy!

config.1574357704.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/01 03:13 (external edit)