Player stats depend on the current player class, items (e.g some items give max mana), attributes (e.g dexterity gives more projectile damage), party (buffs when playing with your friends).. === Main Stats (Vanilla MC Attributes)=== | Stat name | Description | | attack-damage | The damage basic attacks deal. | | attack_speed | Minecraft vanilla attack speed attribute. | | max_health | Minecraft vanilla max health. | | movement_speed | Player speed in meters/100s. | | knockback_resistance | Chance of negating knockback (vanilla player attribute). | | armor | Reduces damage taken, vanilla player attribute. | | armor_toughness | Vanilla armor toughness, reduces damage taken (see MC wiki). | === Main Stats (MMOCore)=== | health_regeneration | Health [[regeneration|Combat-Log]] (default: in pts/second). | | speed_malus_reduction | More info [[here|Armor-Weight]] | === Resources=== | max_mana | Maximum mana the player may have. | | max_stamina | Maximum stamina the player may have. | | max_stellium | Stellium is a resource used to travel using waypoints. | | mana_regeneration | Mana regen in pts/sec | | stamina_regeneration | Stamina regen in pts/sec | | stellium_regeneration | Mana regen in pts/sec | === Utility=== | additional_experience | Extra experience the player earns. | cooldown_reduction | Reduces skills cooldowns by a specific % | === Damage Stats=== | magical_damage | Additional magical skill damage. | | physical_damage | Additional physical skill/weapon damage. | | projectile_damage | Additional projectile based weapon & skill damage. | | weapon_damage | THIS IS A MULTIPLIER FOR MORE DAMAGE. 100 = 100% more damage. | | skill_damage | Additional skill (magical/physical) damage. |